What is the best breast pump? We consistently find when choosing the best breast pump, new moms consider: suction strength, portability, weight, noise level, and insurance coverage. Find your best breast pump through insurance.
Most state Medicaid plans will cover the entire cost of a breast pump, but Medicaid covers these services differently than private insurance companies. There is a wide variety in scope and coverage from state to state for those seeking assistance with pre and postnatal care under Medicaid.
With so many options available, choosing a breast pump can feel like finding the right pair of jeans: it's a process of finding the right fit that provides durable yet comfortable results to match your lifestyle. Let’s check out Medela and Spectra!
One of our top-selling and award-winning brands is Spectra. Several of their pumps are now available through our website (and can be fully or partially covered by insurance!), and they are great for all moms, new or seasoned.
Planning for all the last-minute breastfeeding must-haves before your little one arrives? We've put together a list of the essential breast pumping accessories (other than your breast pump) that you'll need to get started.
All throughout February, we’re celebrating the strength, determination and selflessness of our incredible mamas! Each month, we receive hundreds of stories and photos as part of our Mother Pumper program. We read and appreciate each story, and we know you will too!
The Road To Co-Breastfeeding: Part 2 , by Aeroflow Breastpumps .
In May, we were honored to share Glenis' and her family's story as they navigated the road to co-breastfeeding and induced lactation. Now, five months later, we're equally as excited to share an update...
All About the Spectra 9PLUS Breast Pump , by Aeroflow Breastpumps .
Pumping mamas, are you looking for the perfect breast pump? You’re probably thinking, “Oh please, the perfect breast pump doesn’t exist.” Believe it or not, it does, and it is called the Spectra 9PLUS.