If your neighborhood is anything like mine (filled with trees older than my grandma) then winter storms are especially scary for you and your liquid gold. Have no fear! When the power goes out, there are some things that you can do to protect your supply and maintain your pumping schedule.
Your Breast Pump Type Matters
We know that life doesn't stop when disaster strikes, which is why Aeroflow Breastpumps offers many breast pumps with options for use without electricity. Some breast pumps come with a built-in rechargeable battery and some can be used with AA batteries when a power outlet is not available to you. If your breast pump has a built-in rechargeable battery, consider getting a car charger for times like these because although you don't need an outlet to use your pump, it may not be charged when you lose power.
A Light In The Dark
Many mamas are used to late night pumping sessions next to a partner or a sleeping baby that can leave you, quite literally, in the dark. Some breast pumps such as the Spectra S1 PLUS and S2 PLUS and the Motif Duo come with LED screens that allow for pumping in a dark room without disturbing others and can be quite handy during a power outage.
Manual Pumps Are A Lifesaver
Having a manual breast pump presents many important uses and this is definitely one of them! Some women prefer the comfort and control of a manual pump and they can be used when pumping on the go, after a pumping session to fully empty your breasts, or when you don’t have access to your electric breast pump. Manual breast pumps like the Medela Harmony feature the same two-phase technology as an electric breast pump, but without the requirement of electricity.
Keeping Your Liquid Gold Safe
You’ve finally built up your stash and now you’re worried that you may have to discard all that precious milk that you've been saving up. According to food safety guidelines, a full freezer will hold its temperature for up to 48 hours if the doors are kept closed and 24 hours for a freezer that is about half-full. Consider keeping a cooler in your house so that you can be sure that your breast milk will stay on ice as long as it needs to.
When All Else Fails
If there are extenuating circumstances or these options just don’t work for you, find a safe place to pump! Mamava is a company started by working mothers to ensure that all moms have a safe place to pump and breastfeed. You can visit their website to find a pumping pod near you!
Information provided in blogs should not be used as a substitute for medical care or consultation.
About the Author
I grew up in a small town in the middle of nowhere (most people call it Missouri). I moved to Asheville, NC almost a decade ago and I love it! I have a four-year-old little boy named Jackson who is equal parts exhausting and hilarious.