Pumping Room Makeover

Did you know that new moms today are returning to work in record numbers? It's true! But there's a problem... Many find that their work environment isn't conducive to a successful breast pumping experience. They wind up crowded into a supply closet or hiding in their car as they try to produce milk to feed their baby.
We can do better! That's why we've partnered with Lansinoh to provide a $10,000 Pumping Room Makeover to one winning business.
Submit the form below to nominate your employer. Don't wait to act on this opportunity, the contest closes on November 15th. Winners will be notified on December 6th.
1 Grand Prize Winner Will Receive:
- $10,000 Stipend for Makeover
- Gift Basket with
- Lansinoh Wearable Pump
- HPA® Lanolin
- Organic Nipple Balm
- Soothies Gel Pads
- Lansinoh Silicone Breast Pump
- 3-in-1 Breast Therapy Packs
- Stay Dry Disposable Nursing Pads
- Washable Nursing Pads
- Lansinoh Manual Pump
- Breastmilk Storage Bags
- Feeding Bottles
4 Additional Winners Will Receive:
Gift Basket with
- Lansinoh Wearable Pump
- HPA® Lanolin
- Organic Nipple Balm
- Soothies Gel Pads
- Lansinoh Silicone Breast Pump
- 3-in-1 Breast Therapy Packs
- Stay Dry Disposable Nursing Pads
- Washable Nursing Pads
- Lansinoh Manual Pump
- Breastmilk Storage Bags
- Feeding Bottles
By The Numbers

Survey results from a 2019 pull of more than 1,000 Americans point to a lack of support and acceptance for women nursing or pumping in public spaces.
Findings from a July 2022 survey suggest that broadened access to lactation services through insurance coverage and employer benefits would enable moms across the country to more easily meet or exceed their breastfeeding goals.

We wanted to know if breastfeeding moms in the workplace were feeling supported, so we surveyed 770+ expectant moms to understand their experience.
Having a safe, private space to express milk at work is a benefit for both moms and employers. Get started on your back to work breastfeeding plan and building your perfect lactation room with the checklist provided.

Federal law requires employers to provide break time and private space (away from view and free from intrusion) for expressing breast milk for one year after a child's birth.
Did You Know?
Did you know that under the Affordable Care Action Fair Labor Standards Act, employers must provide a reasonable amount of break time and space to express milk as frequently as needed (up to one year postpartum) for their nursing employees? This space cannot be a bathroom, and must be shielded from view/free from intrusion by coworkers or the public. Yet according to an Aeroflow Breastpumps survey, 53% of working mothers indicate they don’t have a designated lactation area with the supplies needed for successful pumping on the job.
Research has proven that supporting new moms in the workplace provides major benefits for employers – such as decreased turnover rates and use of sick days, increased productivity and overall job satisfaction, as well as savings in healthcare costs/employee expenses. "If we are truly dedicated to seeing mothers succeed in the workplace, we need to offer a quiet and welcoming space to pump at work," says Jennifer Jordan, Director of Mom & Baby at Aeroflow Healthcare.
The History of Pumping Room Makeover
Our annual Pumping Room Makeover contest began in August of 2018 in response to an overwhelming amount of feedback from our mamas who are tired of nursing & pumping in closets, bathrooms, conference rooms, the car, etc (all of which provide limited to no privacy or comfort) throughout the workday. These challenging conditions often make it difficult for working moms to produce milk. On top of that, the added stress ultimately forces many to choose between feeding their babies and going back to work.
From the Department of Defense Military Base in Charleston, SC to Saint Thomas Midtown NICU in Nashville, TN, Aeroflow Breastpumps believes that no mama deserves to pump in a bathroom stall… No mama deserves to pump in a supply closet, their car, a conference room or anywhere else that’s not fit for adequate breast pumping while on the job. We strive to make a difference & ultimately create change within the workplace – one pumping room makeover at a time.

“Joint Base Charleston is one of 12 Department of Defense Joint Bases and a host to over 60 DOD and federal agencies. The 628th Air Base Wing delivers installation support to a total force of over 90,000 Airmen, Sailors, Soldiers, Marines, Coast Guardsmen, civilians, dependents and retirees across four installations including the Air Base and the Naval Weapons Station.
We currently have a small room in the daycare center that is like storage for furniture and has uncomfortable couches and rocking chairs that face an open window with no milk storage access. I am a nursing mother and every day when I go into the room to feed my son or pump I have to rearrange the furniture and find a plug. I also hear of many moms who quit nursing because of lack of privacy to pump.”

"On behalf of the Air Base Child Development Center, I want to thank Aeroflow Breastpumps for selecting our facility to receive their first-ever ‘Pumping Room Makeover’ and I also want to recognize Dr. Mamie Futrell, a parent of children enrolled in our program, who submitted our facility for this contest,” said Judith Jackson, Air Base Child Development Center director.
“Our military and civilian mothers now have a modern and comfortable place to support their breastfeeding requirements for their newborn children!"

“Pumping is often the only thing a NICU mom feels she can do for her infant. There’s lots of guilt in delivering early (although completely out of control).
So to give the mothers and babies of Saint Thomas Midtown NICU an oasis to retreat to and just relax while they pump would be amazing. A room that would decrease stress, increase oxytocin, and be an escape for moms to make more milk in is the goal. The NICU journey can be quite the roller coaster ride with lots of highs and lows – our moms deserve a great room!”

“The pumping room makeover in the Saint Thomas Midtown NICU has been such a blessing! The calming colors, sound machine, ambient lighting, comfortable seating, and pictures of families holding their babies skin to skin created the perfect setting for moms to come relax while pumping that liquid gold.
We are so grateful for Aeroflow Breastpumps support in making this dream come true!”
Previous Company Nominations
But what does a comfortable, welcoming space for pumping mothers in the workplace look like? Check out our recommendations below!
If your employer isn’t providing a basic pumping space, we encourage you to initiate conversations around the benefits employers reap from improving their maternity & lactation policies.
Pumping Room Makeover In The News
- Medela and Aeroflow Breastpumps Launch Dream At-Home Breastfeeding & Pump Room Makeover Opportunity for Moms Across the Country
- Win a Pumping Room Makeover from Medela & Aeroflow
- Aeroflow Breastpumps To Provide Pumping Room Makeover
- Saint Thomas NICU Wins Aeroflow Breastpumps' Pumping Room Makeover
- Joint Base Charleston Wins Aeroflow Breastpumps’ Pumping Room Makeover
- Aeroflow Launches Pumping Room Makeover Contest
- Working Mamas, Your Workplace Could Win A New & Improved Pumping Room — Here's How