Live Online Classes Covered by Insurance
The early days of parenting are an incredible time that can be equally challenging and rewarding as you bond with your baby. Our online classes prepare you for childbirth, breastfeeding, and early postpartum baby care so you can enjoy every moment with your little one. Click here to learn more about our 20+ live classes and to start building your confidence.
Ultimate Breastfeeding Prep
Everything you need to know in one place to take the fear and guesswork out of your breastfeeding journey. From getting a comfortable latch to making enough milk to avoiding the pitfalls many mothers face, this class covers it all.
Ultimate Multiples Prep
You CAN successfully breastfeed multiples. Get the early days off to the best start by learning the logistics of feeding two or more and keeping up your milk supply. Get valuable tips for breastfeeding in the NICU in case your babies need extra care.
Lactation Q&A
If you get more out of an interactive discussion than a lecture, this is the class for you! Join our panel of lactation experts to get answers to your burning questions about breastfeeding, parenting, and newborn care.
What Is A Tongue Tie?
Are you concerned that tongue tie may be why you are struggling with latch or discomfort? Tongue ties affect 4-11% of all babies. Learn how tongue and lip ties can impact breastfeeding and how to connect with experts who will listen and help.
Bump to Baby Nutrition
Learn how to nourish your body from pregnancy through postpartum with the latest nutrition science related to food safety, balanced meals, and how to stay healthy while caring for your new baby.
Birth & Breastfeeding
Did you know that what happens in labor and birth can impact your breastfeeding success? This evidence-based series will help you envision and advocate for the birth you want and will discuss vaginal as well as cesarean births.
Pumping 101
Pumping doesn’t have to be overwhelming! Let’s break down when to start pumping, how to assemble and clean your pump, how to pump effectively, and how to store milk safely. Learn valuable tips and tricks to save you time and energy.
How To Find A Pump You Love
Wearable, standard, portable, battery-operated - which pump should you choose? Get the skinny on different pump types, features and brands and feel confident in selecting the best option for you and your baby.
How To Fit Your Flange
Take the guesswork out of finding your flange size! The right flange size can ease pumping pain and increase your pumped milk volume. Learn about the latest techniques to find your ideal fit and how to use the correct flange insert when necessary.
Pumping Q&A
Do you have questions about how the pump you selected works or best practices for cleaning it? Ask our panel of pump experts all your pressing questions. This class is also a great place to discuss collection cups and going back to work.
Navigating Maternity Leave
Get the info you need to make going back to work less stressful. From knowing your pumping rights at work to creating a feeding plan for your baby’s caregiver, this class helps you craft a blueprint for an easier transition back into work life.
Babycare For The Breastfed Baby
Ready to sail into parenthood with calm and confidence? You have questions and we have answers! Learn from the pros about diapering, swaddling, bathing, umbilical cord care, nail care, feeding, soothing and more!
Babywearing & Breastfeeding
If keeping your baby happy and close to you while still getting things done is a goal for you, join us to discuss the benefits of wearing your baby. We will delve into the different types of carriers and how to safely breastfeed while babywearing.
Sleep For The Breastfed Baby
Should you sleep train? Wondering when your baby will sleep through the night? Worried about setting up bad sleep habits? Get the truth about infant sleep! Learn how to work with your baby’s natural sleep patterns to maximize rest for your family.
Solid Foods For The Breastfed Baby
What is the difference between baby-led or parent-led feeding? Find out about breastfed baby solid food readiness and avoiding allergies and let us support you in establishing healthy eating routines to improve your family’s well-being.
Sleep Q&A
An interactive discussion with a panel of consultants who will answer all of your burning questions about infant sleep, how breastfeeding families may need to approach sleep differently, and how to navigate the first year at night.
The Brain-Boob Connection
How will you cope with motherhood? What if breastfeeding doesn’t go as planned? Join us for a deep-dive into mindfulness, breathing, and stress reduction techniques that will help you confidently manage breastfeeding with a focus on mental wellness.
It Takes A Village
Worried that some of the important people in your life aren’t supportive of breastfeeding or some of your other parenting choices? Learn practical skills for setting healthy boundaries and building a strong, supportive network within your village.
Moms Circle
Mom life can feel isolating. Do you crave community, a place to exchange tips and information, and a safe space to share how you are feeling? Join us every week with your camera on, ready to share with the group and form genuine connections.
High-Risk Pregnancy and NICU Community
Changing gears to a high-risk pregnancy or NICU stay can be overwhelming. Connect with moms who understand your journey and find comfort and encouragement. You're not alone—join us for compassionate support for your unexpected shift in plans.
La Mejor Preparación Para la Lactancia
Todo lo que necesita saber en un solo lugar para eliminar el miedo y las dudas en su camino hacia la lactancia materna. Aprenderá cómo lograr un agarre cómodo, cómo producir suficiente leche y cómo evitar los problemas que enfrentan muchas madres.
Nacimiento Y Lactancia
Sabía que lo que ocurre durante el parto puede influir en el éxito de la lactancia? Esta clase basada en la evidencia le ayudará a imaginar y abogar por el nacimiento que desea y se discutirán los partos vaginales, así como los partos por cesárea.
Cuidado Del Bebé Amamantado
Las primeras semanas con su bebé pueden ser abrumadoras. Esta clase es su guía para navegar hacia la maternidad con calma y confianza. Aprenda a cambiar pañales, envolver al bebé, bañarlo, cuidar el cordón umbilical, las uñas, alimentarlo y calmarlo.
Usando Un Extractor de Leche 101
La extracción de leche no tiene por qué ser angustiante. Explicaremos cuándo comenzar a extraer leche, utilizarlo y limpiarlo, extraer leche de forma eficaz y cómo almacenarla de forma segura. Aprenda consejos que le ahorrarán tiempo y energía.
Qualify Now
Complete our insurance eligibility form and we’ll verify your coverage for every product and service we offer: breast pumps, lactation support, classes, and more!