If you're looking for more individualized attention, our team of breastfeeding specialists are here to support you. Appointments are scheduled with a lactation specialist in your insurance network so you don’t have to worry about the cost.
1. What is a Lactation Specialist?
A lactation specialist is a highly-trained medical professional that can offer education, clinical advice, and support throughout your pregnancy and postpartum stages. Most professional lactation specialists obtain credentials such as International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), Certified Breastfeeding Specialist (CBS), or Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC). These credentials can help ensure that you receive an excellent standard of care.
2. When should I schedule an appointment?
Scheduling a prenatal lactation appointment increases the likelihood for successful breastfeeding initiation as well as reaching your long term feeding goals. Our medical experts recommend scheduling your first appointment before baby is born.
Reasons to set up a lactation appointment while pregnant:
- Learn what to expect in the early days and all the benefits of human milk for babies and mothers.
- Know what supplies you need before the baby comes, such as a breast pump, and how to order.
- Learn the mechanics of pumping or expressing milk.
- Discuss any concerns with a lactation provider about the impact of other health concerns on successful breastfeeding.
- Create a plan to discuss your maternity leave and future pumping schedule with your employer.
A postpartum lactation check-in is recommended even if feeding seems like it’s going well.
Reasons to set up a lactation appointment after baby is born:
- Educate yourself on best nursing positions, proper latch, adequate diaper output, and ensure your baby is gaining weight and meeting milestones.
- Check in about your emotional health as it relates to breastfeeding.
- Collect tips about optimizing your milk supply to go back to work, safe storing of milk, and how to handle separation from your baby.
- Get questions answered regarding alcohol consumption and medications and how they affect milk supply.
3. What can a Lactation Specialist help with?
Lactation specialists can help with:
- Identifying potential lactation problems during pregnancy.
- Baby’s optimal latch techniques.
- Nursing positions (there are several great ones).
- How to ensuring baby is getting enough to eat.
- Tips for establishing a good milk supply.
- How to avoid and repair nipple pain and damage.
- Baby’s slow weight gain.
- Mastitis and other breast infections.
- How to use a breast pump.
- How and when to introduce solid foods.
- How to prepare for returning to work.
4. What do I need to have with me for my appointment? (breast pump, flanges, baby carrier, etc.)