Tagged with 'Guides and Tips'

How To Prepare for Breastfeeding if You Are at Risk of Having a Low Milk Supply

Woman Breastfeeding Baby

Did you know that breastfeeding challenges are common, especially for first time pregnant women and new moms? It's important to know and recognize the risk factors ahead of time!

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How To Increase Breast Milk Supply

Wondering if your breast milk supply is keeping up with your baby's feeding demands? A lot of breastfeeding and pumping moms share this concern. Here are some of the top reasons why your milk supply may be low or decreased – and what you can do about it!

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Postpartum Exercise Tips for New Moms

Ready to return to fitness after having a baby? Dr. Samantha Spencer shares how to ease back in safely, and what symptoms to keep an eye out for. In general, it's recommended for new moms to wait about 6-8 weeks postpartum to allow early healing to take place, and then to gradually build back up to their desired intensity. 

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Maintaining Pelvic Health Postpartum

Carrying and birthing a baby affects the pelvic floor and its functions. Here are some of the things many moms experience, and ways to treat or improve any symptoms you may experience during postpartum. 

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Planning to Breastfeed? A Lactation Consultant Can Help

Many first-time moms assume that because breastfeeding is natural, it will come easily to them. But breastfeeding is a totally new experience for you and your baby, and there can be a learning curve.

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5 Surprising Things That Can Affect Your Breast Milk Supply

Many moms have one common concern when they first begin breastfeeding: how much milk should I be making? We often hear moms worry about their breast milk supply, so we put together a list of things that you can do to make sure your little one is getting all the milk that he or she needs!

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Debunking Pregnancy Myths

Finding out you are pregnant usually brings about a mix of emotions such as excitement, nervousness, happiness, anxiety, and even fear.  Whether you are a first time mom or a veteran, it is hard to know what to expect during each pregnancy.  If you are a new mom, you have probably heard some crazy myths and stories about pregnancy. 

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Push Presents

Pregnant women tend to receive a lot of gifts.  From the baby showers to siblings and friends giving you their baby hand-me-downs, there is certainly no shortage of incoming loot.  Recently there has been a surge in what women like to call “Push Presents”, a gift for mom for being pregnant for 9 months and then giving birth.

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