Did you know that breastfeeding challenges are common, especially for first time pregnant women and new moms? It's important to know and recognize the risk factors ahead of time!
New moms are so busy prioritizing the care of their newborn that they often overlook taking care of themselves, however, taking care of yourself and eating the right foods will impact your baby's health too. IBCLC Dr. Jessica Madden shares what moms should eat (and avoid) while producing breast milk.
A new baby can mean less time to spend on you. Between changing diapers and breastfeeding the little one, it is easy to forget to feed yourself. Remember taking care of yourself is most important so that you’re energized and ready to take on the tasks that life throws at you with a new baby at home.
Many new moms find it difficult to keep up with breastfeeding when they return to work or school as their schedules get more and more packed. Beyond getting a breast pump and planning out a pumping schedule, you might wonder about breast milk storage during the day. We are here to help you lay out a plan!
Many first-time moms assume that because breastfeeding is natural, it will come easily to them. But breastfeeding is a totally new experience for you and your baby, and there can be a learning curve.
Meet Our New Medical Advisor, Amira Mouad, CPO , by Alex Deckard .
We’re excited to introduce the newest addition to our clinical staff, Amira Mouad, CPO. She is a certified Prosthetist Orthotist (CPO) who has been practicing for 5 years. Amira will be helping Aeroflow provide the best possible educational resources for our Compression patients.
My work as an IBCLC gives me the opportunity to hear directly from lactating moms, and a common topic that comes up is Breastfeeding & Fertility. From questions about birth control while breastfeeding, to general fertility issues, here are some of the most frequently asked questions.
Debunking Breastfeeding Myths , by Aeroflow Breastpumps .
There are tons of myths and stereotypes surrounding motherhood, and especially breastfeeding. A lot of breastfeeding myths and popular opinions can be hurtful or damaging. Below, we will go over a few of these myths and sort out the truth.
If you’re a new mother and plan on staying at home with your little one, you might be wondering why stay at home moms need breast pumps. It’s a very valid question that our breast pump specialists at Aeroflow get asked often. While you might not be working away from the home or traveling much, being a stay at home mom is a full time job and it is hard work!