I’ve always known I wanted to breastfeed my babies. With baby number two it was no different. I planned to breastfeed her for at least the first year. So it was really important that I was successful.
Luckily I met my goal and was very successful breastfeeding baby number two. For this success I have to give credit to my supportive family and Aeroflow Breastpumps, who helped me get the breast pump and supplies I needed for that first year of breastfeeding.
Breast Pumps through Insurance with Aeroflow
Since we were on a tight budget at the time getting a quality breast pump was important to me. I’d tried some of the lower grade pumps and they were ineffective.
Luckily I found out that you could get a free breast pump through insurance. After doing some research about this I found Aeroflow and followed their easy steps to apply.
How it Works
The application process was very easy and I got a quick response. Not only did I qualify for a breast pump, but also breast pump supplies. Immediately I chose the Medela breast pump because I'd heard nothing but good things about the quality of their pumps.
When my Medela Pump In Style Advanced Starter Set arrived, I was surprised that it came complete with a carrying case, bottles, shields, and a charger. This pump was high-quality and using it helped me stock up on milk supply, so my husband could help me during the nights. It also made it easy to leave the baby with her grandma or aunt because I had a supply saved up.
Aeroflow Supports Mom throughout her breastfeeding journey!
Through my babies first year of breastfeeding, Aeroflow was in constant contact to see if I needed to restock my supplies. I never had to worry about buying more bottles, tubing, or shields! Aeroflow provides such a great service to women who couldn't otherwise afford a breast pump. The Medela pump I received would have cost well over $300 at the store and was something we just couldn't afford.
So, I have to give Aeroflow credit for helping me be successful in breastfeeding my baby for the first year!
This piece was written by Sammy, a Southern CA stay at home mom of two, and blogger at Sammy Approves.
Information provided in blogs should not be used as a substitute for medical care or consultation.