If you're expecting, chances are you've heard a few old wives' tales about pregnancy. From predicting your baby's gender to kick-starting labor, these age-old beliefs have been passed down through generations. While they're not scientifically proven, many old wives’ tales can be a fun way to bond with family and friends during your pregnancy journey. That said, always consult with your healthcare provider, doctor, or a trusted medical professional for the safest, best advice for your pregnancy.
Here’s a list of some of the most popular old wives' tales—let’s see what they're all about!

Predicting Your Baby's Sex
People have been trying to predict whether they’re having a baby boy or a baby girl for, well, centuries. Needless to say, they’ve resulted in some pretty interesting “tests!” While modern medicine and scientific research have given us reliable gender prediction methods through ultrasounds and genetic testing, many expectant parents still enjoy exploring these traditional gender predictor tales.
Of course, it's important to remember that these old wives' tales aren't based on scientific evidence and that pregnancy symptoms can vary widely regardless of your baby's sex. However, they can be a fun way to engage with your pregnancy journey and spark conversations about women's health and the amazing changes your body is going through!
So, whether you're looking for a bit of fun, preparing for a gender reveal, or just curious about these age-old gender test methods, here are 12 playful ways people have tried to guess:
1. The Ring Test
This classic involves dangling a ring (often your wedding ring) over your belly or the palm of your hand. If the ring swings in circles, congratulations—it's a girl! If the wedding ring moves back and forth, you might be welcoming a baby boy. Of course, the real movement probably has more to do with your steady hand than your baby's gender!
2. The "Good Hair" Test
Having a great hair day? Some say that means your baby’s sex is male! If you’re noticing limp hair or that, generally, your locks are looking a bit lackluster, this old wives' tale suggests it's a girl. Why? Who knows. Remember, mama: pregnancy hormones affect everyone differently!
3. Carrying High or Low
This old wives’ tale is all about the bump shape! "You're carrying high, so it must be a girl!" This tale suggests that a high bump means you’re pregnant with a girl, while carrying low indicates a boy.
In reality, your baby bump's position has more to do with your body shape and muscle tone.
4. Food Cravings
Craving sweet foods? According to this old wives’ tale, craving sweets means you could be carrying a little girl. On the other hand, if your food cravings are leaning more toward salty or sour foods, you might be having a little boy. Boy or girl, it's a great excuse to indulge those pregnancy cravings (in moderation, of course)!
5. Morning Sickness
If you're making a mad dash toward the bathroom more often than not, some say you're having a girl. Less nausea might mean a boy. But remember, every pregnancy is unique, regardless of your baby's gender. And if you’re experiencing severe morning sickness, don’t hesitate to contact your doctor.
6. Heart Rate
Is your baby’s heartbeat above 140 beats per minute? If so, this urban myth says you’re carrying a girl. Below 140, therefore, means a boy.
The truth is, a baby’s heart rate can vary for several reasons, including gestational age, activity level, and the mother’s activity level. Remember: In reality, a healthy heartbeat is all that matters!
7. Skin Condition
If you’re breaking out more than usual and feel like you’ve got increasingly oily skin, old wives' tales suggest you're having a girl. If your skin is clear and glowing, it might be a boy. But let's be honest, pregnancy affects everyone's skin differently!
8. Chinese Gender Chart
Where are our horoscope mamas at? This gender test method claims to predict your baby's sex based on your age at conception and the month you conceived. Whether this wives’ tale accurately predicts gender or not, it can still be a fun exercise!
9. Linea Nigra
Notice that dark line running down your belly? If it extends above your belly button, some say it's a boy. Stopping below? It might be a girl.
In reality, this line appears on most pregnant bellies, regardless of whether you’re carrying a boy or a girl!
10. Cold Feet
If your toes are constantly chilly during pregnancy, old wives' tales suggest you're having a boy. Warm feet? It might be a girl. But really, maybe it's just time for some cozy socks!
11. Breast Size
Here's a quirky one: if your right breast seems larger, some say it's a boy, and if your left breast is larger, it might predict a girl. Of course, breast changes during pregnancy are totally normal and not related to your baby's gender.
12. Dreams
This old wives’ tale claims that if you dream about having a baby boy, you’re actually carrying a baby girl—and vice versa!
Of course, we think the only dream that matters is the one where you're holding your healthy baby!

How to Really Determine Your Baby’s Sex
As fun as these "tests" are, the most accurate ways to predict your baby's sex are to take a blood test, such as Noninvasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT), or wait to find out at your anatomy ultrasound with the guidance of an ultrasound technician.
Modern science has come a long way in providing pregnant people with reliable methods for gender prediction, moving beyond the realm of old wives' tales. NIPT can now reveal whether you're having a boy or girl with high accuracy even during early pregnancy, often as soon as 10 weeks. This scientific approach not only satisfies curiosity but can also help in preparing for your baby's arrival. However, some parents-to-be still choose to embrace the mystery, waiting all the way through pregnancy and labor until they discover whether they're welcoming a son or daughter.
Remember, whether you decide to find out early or wait for the surprise, the most important thing is that you're bringing a new life into the world. And that, dear mama, is the real miracle—boy or girl!

Kick-starting Labor
As your due date approaches, you might be tempted to try a few old wives' tales to get things moving. And, just like the myths about predicting whether you're having a boy or a girl based on your baby bump, there are plenty of old wives' tales about inducing labor. While scientific research hasn't found clinical evidence regarding the effectiveness of these methods, many pregnant women still find them intriguing!
It's important to remember that your baby will come when they're ready, regardless of whether you're expecting a boy or a girl. Unlike gender prediction, where a key test can accurately tell you the sex of your baby, there's no surefire way to kick-start labor on demand. However, as your pregnancy progresses and after reaching full term, you might find yourself considering some of these age-old techniques.
Just remember, always consult with your healthcare provider before trying any method to induce labor, no matter how harmless it may seem.
1. The Bumpy Car Ride
Talk about getting this show on the road! Some pregnant women swear by a drive down a bumpy road to encourage labor. While it might not actually work, at least you'll get out of the house for a bit!
2. Spicy Foods
Craving that extra-hot curry? Go for it! While it might not induce labor, it could give you some heartburn to distract you from the waiting game.
3. Walking
This one actually has some merit! Regular walking can help your baby settle into your pelvis. Plus, it's great exercise for you, mama.
4. Pineapple
Some believe the enzyme bromelain in pineapple can help induce labor. While there's no scientific proof, enjoying this tropical fruit is a delicious way to pass the time.
5. Raspberry Leaf Tea
This herbal tea is thought to tone the uterus. While it may not start labor, many mamas find it soothing during those last weeks of pregnancy.
6. Sexual Intercourse
Here’s a fun one for you and your partner! Some believe that sexual intercourse can help induce labor due to the release of oxytocin and prostaglandins. Of course, even if that doesn’t work, it could be a nice way to connect before the baby arrives!
7. Nipple Stimulation
This one might make you blush, mama! But some say that massaging or stimulating the nipples can encourage the release of oxytocin (similar to the sexual intercourse old wives’ tale above), potentially leading to contractions.
And speaking of nipples, your baby’s arrival means breastfeeding is right around the corner! So, now might be a good time to stock up on nipple cream!
8. Castor Oil
This age-old method involves consuming castor oil to stimulate the bowels and uterus. Fair warning: this one can be pretty unpleasant and may cause digestive upset. As with any of these old wives’ tales, always consult your healthcare provider before trying this or any other method.
9. Evening Primrose Oil
Some mamas swear by taking evening primrose oil to help soften the cervix. While it’s a popular natural remedy, make sure to discuss its use with a trusted medical professional first.
10. Acupressure
Applying pressure to specific points on the body is believed by some to stimulate labor. While it might not hurt to try (gently!), it’s always best to consult with your doctor first.
11. Eating Dates
Here’s a sweet one: consuming dates in the weeks leading up to your due date is a method some think can aid in cervical dilation. Of course, even if it doesn’t work, dates are a delicious snack!
12. Clary Sage Oil
Some mamas use this essential oil in aromatherapy, believing it can encourage contractions. As with any essential oil use during pregnancy, consult with your healthcare provider first.
Remember, mama, while these old wives' tales can be fun to try, they're not substitutes for medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider before trying anything new, especially as you near your due date.

How to Really Kick-start Labor
Remember, mama, while these old wives' tales for gender prediction can be fun to try, they're not substitutes for medical advice or the one, scientifically-backed method of kick-starting labor: being induced. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, always consult with your healthcare provider before trying anything new, especially as you near your due date.
Old Wives Tales Aside…
At Aeroflow Breastpumps, we're here to support you through every stage of your pregnancy journey, from these fun old wives' tales for gender prediction and labor to the real deal of preparing for your baby's arrival and postpartum recovery. Don't forget to check your eligibility for a free breast pump through insurance—it's one less thing to worry about as you await the moment you hold your baby—boy or girl—in your arms!
Enjoy this special time, and have fun with these old wives' tales if you like! But most importantly, trust your body and your healthcare team. You've got this, mama!