You’re probably exhausted, you haven’t showered, you don’t know which way is up and which way is down. That’s okay! During the “4th trimester” or postpartum period, moms are just beginning to get a handle on life with their new baby. The most important thing is that you and baby and resting, well-fed, and spending lots of time cuddling. You may be feeling antsy to get back into old routines, but cross everything off your calendar and just relax if you can! If you’re experiencing any pain or discomfort during breastfeeding, fit in a visit with your lactation consultant to help resolve the issue. It can be as simple as finding a new position to hold your baby while nursing.

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Three Tips for the First Month:
- Breastfeeding on demand or whenever your baby appears to be upset, even if you just fed them, will help keep your baby happy. Measuring the amount of milk your baby is getting is difficult during this time, but as long as your baby is healthy and growing, you don’t need to know exactly how many ounces are being consumed.
- Stock up on breastfeeding supplies such as nursing pads and nipple cream so you can begin transitioning back into routines such as running errands and attending to responsibilities outside of the house without leaks and discomfort.
- Wearing your baby in a sling, wrap, or carrier can make breastfeeding on the go easier. Some baby wearing techniques give your baby direct access to your breast and you can just go about whatever you are doing without stopping to nurse. Not to mention that wearing your baby gives you two free hands! You can even do chores around the house while wearing your baby if you they insist on being held, as many babies do.
Information provided in blogs should not be used as a substitute for medical care or consultation.

About the Author
Contributing to this blog is Dr. Kendall-Tackett, PhD, IBCLC and FAPA, and award-winning health psychologist and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. She specializes in women's health research including breastfeeding, depression, and trauma, and has authored more than 420 articles or chapters, and is author or editor of 35 books.