Wondering what you should pack in your diaper bag? It's common for first-time moms to go a little overboard in the preparedness department. You may think you need to be prepared for ANYTHING, but unless you’re using your diaper bag to cross-train for weight lifting, we don’t recommend that route. Here is a list of a few items that are total essentials in your diaper bag to make things easier.
5 Diaper Bag Essentials for Baby:
- Diapers & wipes — Pack one diaper for each hour, and a backup supply of baby wipes is always a good idea.
- Changing pad — A safe, clean space for diaper changes.
- Bottles — Whatever your baby is eating at the time.
- A soothing mechanism — Your baby’s favorite toy, pacifier, teether, etc.
- Change of clothes — In case of an accident, because trust us, there will be one.
When you have a newborn baby, it’s a lot of trial and error – but it's not likely your little one will need 6 outfits, 20 diapers, or access to a small library of baby books while they're in a stroller in Target for an hour. Other items you may want to add to your diaper bag checklist include hand sanitizer, burp cloths or bib for spit up, diaper rash cream, and plastic bags for dirty diapers; but just remember a huge tote overfilled with baby gear can be quite a hassle when you already have enough stuff to carry, you know, like your new baby!
Don’t Forget YOUR Essentials
While making sure you have everything for your baby, don’t forget your stuff too! It’s helpful to have a bag that can fit your and your baby’s items, so you only have to keep up with one bag. Our breast pump bags are perfect for toting everything that you’ll both need for the day, with lots of cute and practical options.
If you are breastfeeding or going to be breast-pumping on the go, there are a few other things that would be great to have on hand.

5 Diaper Bag Essentials for Mamas:
- Nursing pads — breast milk leaks happen. Having nursing pads on hand will help. An eco-friendly alternative is the Elvie Catch, which can be worn in your bra to catch any leaks and save that precious liquid gold!
- Manual pump — If you’re out longer than you anticipated, or become engorged, having a manual pump on hand is a lifesaver. They are small, don’t need electricity, and get the job done.
- Nipple care — If your nipples become cracked or painful, lanolin or hydrogel pads won’t take up much room in your bag and can make you more comfortable.
- Cooler — If you’re pumping on the go, use a cooler to safely transport your milk.
- Breast pump cleaning supplies — You can either clean your pump after each use with these cleaning products or use the Sarah Wells Pumparoo bag’s waterproof compartment to store your used parts in the refrigerator until you can clean them thoroughly at home.
Pro-tip: these don’t all actually have to be in the bag you’re carrying around at all times; you could keep an extra bag in the car with any items you may not need immediately. Additionally, you may want easy access to a nursing cover, sunscreen, an extra shirt for yourself, and/or a water bottle, or you may want to just have them readily available in your vehicle.
Travel Smart & Pack Lightly
Don’t wait until your second child is born to realize that you really just don’t need to carry around all that extra stuff. There are plenty of accidents and unexpected things that can (and will) happen while you’re out with your baby, but being over-prepared will likely only exhaust you more the other 95% of the time. With a child at any age, it’s always smart to travel as lightly as possible while keeping the basic supplies on hand for whatever surprises life brings.
Information provided in blogs should not be used as a substitute for medical care or consultation.