The next installment in our ‘Creative Series’ focuses on Creative Thank You Gifts for Labor and Delivery Nurses. You have a lot of people involved in your pregnancy from family and friends to doctors and nurses. Labor and delivery nurses play a major role in the birth of your child. They are by your side during the entire labor process by calming you through the unknown, encouraging and coaching you.. Labor and Delivery Nurses have no small task so it is only fitting to give them a little “Thank You’ to show your appreciation.
Thank You Gifts for Labor and Delivery Nurses
With Pinterest, Baby Center, The Bump and mommy bloggers, you can get great creative ideas for thank you gifts for labor and delivery nurses. Labor and delivery nurses stand by you every step of the way during labor and delivery and these ideas for thank you gifts may inspire you to create your own thank you gifts to thank your nurses for helping make your little one's arrival as smooth as possible.
Goody Bag
Who doesn’t love a goody bag? Choose some of your favorite candy, granola, gum, lotions and chapstick for a goody bag that will make your labor and delivery nurse feel appreciated. Attach a note or poem to personalize the gift a bit more. One of our favorites was a goody bag with a note attached that said ‘here’s a little treat for being so sweet.
‘Nurse Bait’ Basket
We love this adorable poem entitled ‘Nurse Bait’. Get a basket and fill it full of goodies and treats and attach the poem to the basket. It is sure to get your labor and delivery nurses stopping by your room requently!
When ones in the hospital feepng sick,
The very best thing is to get well quick.
The nurses are wonderful and take good care…
They can’t stay long, it’s just not fair.
To lure them in to check on you,
Even more often than they usually do,
This basket of NURSE BAIT should do the trick,
To get them to see you often and quick,
So with extra visits and extra care…
Hopefully you’ll soon be outta there!
Sending a box of donuts to the nurse’s station with a note attached saying ‘Donut know what we would have done without you’ is sure to be enjoyed.
These are our favorite Creative ‘Thank You’ Gifts for Labor and Delivery Nurses. We hope they have inspired your own thank you gift!
Information provided in blogs should not be used as a substitute for medical care or consultation.
Updated on May 31st, 2018.