Every child grows, learns, behaves, thinks—and even eats!—differently, so there is no perfect time to start introducing your baby to solid foods or to begin weaning. Learn about the signs of when baby is ready to start solids!
After giving birth, one of the most common concerns we hear from new moms is whether their baby is receiving enough milk and being sufficiently fed. Read our blog to learn some of the most common baby hunger cues that you should look out for.
Every breastfeeding journey is different and there is a huge variability in regards to when infants and toddlers wean from breast milk. Up until recently, pediatricians recommended breastfeeding babies until their first birthdays and then transitioning to whole cow’s milk. In 2022, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) published updated guidelines for breastfeeding with recommendations to continue to breastfeed children for 2+ years, if desired. In this article we discuss FAQs about weaning breastfeeding.
There’s an entire industry centered around infant sleep. You can purchase hundreds of different products that offer the promise of more, better, safer sleep. Bassinets, travel cribs, robotic rockers, mini-cribs, and convertible cribs. Noise machines, blackout curtains, crib warmers, and sleep sacks. Books, courses, and endless advice. When you’re a sleep deprived new parent, you might try anything to help your baby sleep longer so that you can also get some rest.
Why Breastfeeding is Beneficial for Moms and Babies , by Ashley Georgakopoulos, IBCLC .
Whether you’re nursing your baby or providing them pumped breast milk, breastfeeding is beneficial for moms and babies. IBCLC Ashley Georgakopoulos shares what those benefits are, and some of them last a lifetime.
Newborn babies should have their first doctor's appointment with their pediatrician within one to two days of coming home from the hospital, or within 24 hours of being born via home birth. Here's what you can expect at that first appointment.
Part 8: Breastfeeding Changes for Baby and Mama , by Aeroflow Breastpumps .
You may have noticed that your body and the baby’s habits have changed steadily since the first weeks of breastfeeding. You have probably felt that your breasts are beginning to regulate your milk and you don’t experience as much fullness as you used to. Don’t worry, it doesn’t mean that you aren’t making enough milk, it just means your body is doing a better job matching your baby’s appetite.
Part 10: Preparing for Teething while Breastfeeding , by Aeroflow Breastpumps .
During this time and for the next six months your baby will be preparing to cut their first teeth. The desire to chew on toys, drooling, and discomfort are par for the course. This does not mean that you need to quit nursing!