Breastfeeding is the natural way to provide your baby with the best possible nutrition; this is a super-food made specifically for your little one! How does breastfeeding actually work, though? This is a common question many mommies-to-be have when preparing for baby to come.
Pregnancy changes
Tender, swollen breasts and darkened areolas may be one of the first signs that you’re pregnant. Your breasts will be swollen and tender due to the growth in your milk ducts and the production of alveoli, which is all stimulated by hormone production stimulated by your developing placenta.
Prior to pregnancy, your breast tissue is mainly made up of supportive tissue, milk glands and protective fat (the amount of fatty tissue varies, which is why we all have different sized breasts). Your main milk ducts were formed by the time you were born- the rest grew during puberty, and shift into high gear around week 6 of baby’s gestation.
Colostrum: first milk
Colostrum is a nutrient rich “pre-milk” which contains many antibacterial and immune-system boosting substances that aren’t available in infant formula. Colostrum is produced for the first few days after your baby is born. Around 30-40 hours post-birth, you start to “let down” your breast milk (the time frame may be longer for mothers who have delivered via c-section).
If your milk takes more than a few days to come down, although this may be normal, you should absolutely let your doctor know. The doctor may need to make sure your child is getting enough to eat, especially if you are exclusively breastfeeding. Colostrum is one of the most important substances your child gets from breast milk, as it aids with immune system properties.
Producing more breast milk
If you are concerned you aren’t producing enough breast milk or baby, breastfeeding often (cluster feeding) may help stimulate milk production. If you are unable to cluster feed, you may want to consider power pumping. Breast pumps can be expensive, but Aeroflow Breastpumps can help you qualify for your pump at little-to-no cost through insurance.
Use a breast pump when away from baby
Simply complete our Qualify Through Insurance form and let us take care of the rest. Your dedicated Breastpump Specialist will work directly with your insurance company and healthcare provider to determine your coverage and will contact you to discuss your best breast pump options and shipment date.
Aeroflow Breastpumps is also here to answer any breastfeeding and breast pump questions that you may have. Don’t hesitate; contact us today to get started!
Information provided in blogs should not be used as a substitute for medical care or consultation.