A photo of Jacque  Ordner

Jacque Ordner

As a registered nurse and IBCLC, Jacque has worked with breastfeeding families in the clinic, hospital, WIC, and private practice settings. As a mom of four, Jacque is intimately familiar with the struggles that face breastfeeding families, and she loves helping families create personalized feeding plans to help them reach their breastfeeding goals. She has devoted much of her career to creating lactation, birth and baby care educational programs that equip new parents for the journey ahead. Jacque is passionate about finding ways to make pumping more effective, comfortable, and sustainable.

Focus areas: Pumping, Flange Fitting, Adoptive Breastfeeding

Certifications: Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), RLC

Are You Falling For These Infant Sleep Myths?

mom sleeping next to baby

As a new parent you may have received sleep advice from lots of well-meaning friends and family, and you’ve probably even done some late-night Google searching on the topic. It can be hard to sift through all the recommendations made by fellow parents, social media influencers, and family members. We’ve got you covered with a look at common infant sleep myths and their corresponding, research-backed facts.

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What Is A Gentle C-Section

C-Section Mom and Newborn Baby

With nearly a third of all U.S. deliveries occurring via cesarean section, it’s no surprise that healthcare providers and families alike are working to improve outcomes and the overall birth experience associated with surgical delivery. While the risks and health impacts of c-sections have long been studied, the emotional and psychological impacts have often been overlooked. Gentle cesarean sections (sometimes called family-centered cesarean sections) offer a solution that serves to improve both psychological and physical outcomes for parents and newborns.  

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