Every breastfeeding experience is unique, but there are some essentials all mamas need. Our curated selection of top-notch supplies & accessories is a one-stop-shop for every new & expecting mama on your holiday list – including yourself!

Nursing Pads

To avoid bacteria growth and other potential breast health issues, it’s essential to keep the area around your nipples dry! Nursing pads, or a reusable option such as the Elvie Catch, are great solutions for inevitable milk leaks.

Milk Storage Bags

Most pumping mothers use on average 6 milk storage bags per day. That’s 2,190 milk storage bags per year!

Hands-Free Pumping

Hands-free pumping bras allow you to multitask while pumping, eliminating the need to hold your bottles as you pump. They also improve the efficiency of your pumping session!

Nipple Care

Proper breast care is especially important for optimal comfort & to avoid infection. Of our many solutions available, lanolin cream is used to soothe, heal, and prevent common discomfort around the nipple. Plus, it's safe for babies while nursing!

Pump Parts

Replacing breast pump parts every three months is key to breastfeeding successfully. And to make pumping sessions as easy as possible, it never hurts to keep an extra set on hand.


Breastmilk can only be left at room temperature for 4-6 hours. Thankfully, cooler bags can keep breast milk chilly for up to 24 hours!

Cleaning Supplies

Bacteria grows quickly from any breast milk left behind. Because of this, it's critical to clean & sanitize your pump and its parts between sessions. Steam sterilizer bags are a great option for quick, convenient sanitizing!